AGENDA: WAMA 2024 Agenda (Final 4.22.24).pdf
REGISTRATION LIST:WAMA 2024 Conference Registrations (4.18.24).pdf
CASINO SECURITY: Just a reminder, this is a casino, which has areas of smoking and requires ID to enter. Please carry identification on you at all times.
LODGING: We have a room block for Muckleshoot Casino's brand new 18-story, 401 room hotel tower. $159/night standard room; $179/night luxury room. Our room block is for May 5th (check-in) through May 8th (check-out). Note, it shows no availability on May 8th, but please click May 8th as the check out date.
Hotel Call Center 800.804.4944
AIRPORT TOURS: Bus Reservations Required for Tour
Departs Muckleshoot Casino @ 12pm
1st Stop - Auburn Municipal Airport (Lunch sponsored by Century West Engineering)
2nd Stop - King County - Boeing Field
3rd Stop - Renton Municipal Airport
4th Stop - Top Golf Welcome Reception Event (5pm Start)
Departs Top Golf @ 7:15pm
BUS SCHEDULE - WAMA 2024 Conference Bus Schedule (Final).pdf
WELCOME RECEPTION: 5pm-8pm Top Golf, Renton WA
(Golf games sponsored by JUB - Free to join a team!)
Bus Transportation Available - Bus Departs Muckleshoot @ 4:00pm
Limited space (Max 56), bus seating first come first serve.
AWARDS DINNER: Museum of Flight, Boeing Field
Bus Transportation Available (Bus Departs 5pm, Dinner 5:30pm)
Limited space (Max 112), please see the above WAMA Bus Schedule. Those unable to fit on the buses will need to ride share or drive separately.
RAFFLES/GIFTS: Please feel free to bring a gift basket or swag to the conference for raffles. We give away these during breaks to the registered attendees (must be present to win).
SPONSORSHIPS: The sponsorship boards and agendas are in production. We thank those of you who have sponsored WAMA 2024.

VENDOR TABLES: Vendor tables are $100 and may be added during registration. If you do not plan to attend the conference or any of the meals or events, you may register under Comped with just the Vendor Table selected/paid for. Vendor tables are 6 feet long with table cloth. We make every attempt for electricity to be provided, but not guaranteed. Vendor table location will be first come first serve during setup. WAMA Conference Setup.pdf
CONTACT: Questions related to the conference, please contact Samantha Peterson, Conference Chair, conference@wama.us.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Last day to cancel any registrations or vendor tables is April 5th, 2024 in order to receive reimbursement. After April 5th, a registration transfer to another person is available, but no reimbursements are available. Within 2 weeks of the conference, any transfers of registrations may require a hand written name tag at check-in and any late sponsorships may not be displayed on the sponsorship boards due to production time.