Find information on the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission, a group created by the Legislature to develop recommendations to meet Washington state critical aviation system capacity needs.
The Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission was created by the Legislature and tasked WSDOT Aviation to provide staff support for coordinating and administering the commission and technical assistance as requested by commission members.
The CACC aims to recommend a single preferred location for a new commercial service airport by June 15, 2023. In addition to recommending a new primary commercial aviation facility, the commission will recommend additional ways to accommodate capacity needs at other facilities.
We are responsible, according to the Legislature (PDF 76 KB), for the administration of the commission’s work while providing technical support to the commission members.
Communication to the public and stakeholders will be crucial for CACC. The communication plan will provide the following:
- A logical and factual framework for understanding the issues that must be addressed by the CACC and for understanding how the decisions will be made.
- Meaningful ways for people who want to be included and involved in the deliberations of the CACC.
- Assure that major stakeholders, such as local governments, the aviation industry, airports, and regional planning agencies have timely information to assure meaningful input