Washington Airport Management Association 


Association News Posts

  • June 17, 2023 9:00 AM | RG (Administrator)

    Olympic Airshow June 17 & 18, 9am-5pm both days

    For more info & tickets, visit: https://olympicairshow.com/

  • June 02, 2023 12:00 PM | RG (Administrator)

    Join us online the first Friday of each month at lunchtime for an airport management presentation.

    June's event features Dave Fleet and Mike Meigs from Faith Group LLC, with an overview of the FAA's new Safety Management System requirements.

    An amendment to FAR Part 139 which requires the implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS) at certain airports holding FAR Part 139 certificates took effect in April 2023. The implementation of the new rule means that airports meeting the requirement have a deadline for submitting an SMS implementation plan for FAA approval. Airports affected include large, medium, and small hub, those with an average of over 100,000 total annual operations over the previous three years, and those airports classified as a port of entry, designated international landing rights, or have user fees. Read more here.

    Zoom meeting: Jun 2, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)



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  • May 19, 2023 5:00 PM | RG (Administrator)

    It’s time for airports to submit their applications for the first round of 2023-2025 Airport Aid Program grants. The Washington State Department of Transportation Aviation Division anticipates awarding $2 million in funding.

    Airports can only apply for projects previously submitted through the Statewide Capital Improvement Program. The SCIP is an unconstrained prioritized list of projects entered by Washington’s 132 public-use airports that captures project requirements for airports to address individual airport needs.

    To apply, airports can fill out the online application and airport aid application checklist. WSDOT requires airport aid grant assurances be submitted with the application package.

    Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, May 19. Qualifying projects should be targeted for completion by June 30, 2024. Eligible projects may include work beginning after July 1, 2023.

    WSDOT will prioritize applications based on the SCIP project scores. Guidance and information regarding scoring is provided online in the WSDOT Airport Aid Grant Procedures Manual – March 2018.

    WSDOT will start announcing grant award decisions after July 5, 2023. The next grant cycle begins May 2024.

    For more information on applying for WSDOT grants, click here.

  • April 28, 2023 10:30 AM | RG (Administrator)

    Save the date! Tim Mensonides is making arrangements to tour the McChord Air Force Base.  If you would like to attend, send him an email at tmensonides@auburnwa.gov.

    Tour schedule:

    1. 10:30am:  Meet at McChord Field Visitors Center Fairway Rd, McChord AFB, WA 98438
    2. 10:30am-11am: Gather and bus from Visitors Center to the Operations Group offices
    3. 11am-11:45am: Colonel Anaya and staff brief the group on McChord's mission and operations, eat lunch during brief, lunch will be provided by Century West Engineering: Sandwiches, Chips and Drinks.
    4. Noon-1pm: attend Colonel Anaya's brief to his team
    5. 1pm-4pm(ish): ATCT tour, Airport tour, C-17 tour and meet with airport management/operations team.
    6. Upon conclusion of the above events, bus back to Visitors Center
  • April 20, 2023 7:00 AM | RG (Administrator)

    The final Aviation Caucus meeting of this series with Representative Tom Dent is April 20 (date change!). The meeting will be available both in person and online from 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.  Mark your calendars. 

    Here is the Teams link:

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  • April 07, 2023 12:00 PM | RG (Administrator)

    George W. Braly, who works for GAMI will talk about the progress being made on unleaded aviation fuel.  Here is a chance to find out the very latest from the experts.

    George W. Braly has been a pilot since the age of 16. He worked as a flight instructor through college, where he graduated with a major in aerospace engineering at Brown University, in 1970. He has over 7000 hours of experience flying turbocharged and normally aspirated general aviation twin and single engine aircraft. In the past, he has owned a Mooney, a Cessna 320, and a Bonanza. He remains active as a CFI, and is currently the chief engineer for General Aviation Modifications, Inc., Ada, Oklahoma, which holds STCs for balanced fuel injectors for virtually all of the of Continental Motors and Lycoming normally aspirated and turbo-charged engines.
    Recently GAMI secured Piston Fleet Approval for a 100 octane unleaded avgas.

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  • December 29, 2022 12:01 AM | RG (Administrator)

    At 12:01 am on Thursday, December 29, 2022.the Southwest Washington Regional (KLS) Airport changes its UNICOM frequency to 122.725. Please forward the attached flyer to local pilots and any businesses this may impact.  We greatly appreciate your help in making this a smooth and safe transition.

  • August 23, 2022 12:00 PM | RG (Administrator)

    Find information on the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission, a group created by the Legislature to develop recommendations to meet Washington state critical aviation system capacity needs.

    The Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission was created by the Legislature and tasked WSDOT Aviation to provide staff support for coordinating and administering the commission and technical assistance as requested by commission members.

    The CACC aims to recommend a single preferred location for a new commercial service airport by June 15, 2023. In addition to recommending a new primary commercial aviation facility, the commission will recommend additional ways to accommodate capacity needs at other facilities.

    We are responsible, according to the Legislature (PDF 76 KB), for the administration of the commission’s work while providing technical support to the commission members.

    Communication to the public and stakeholders will be crucial for CACC. The communication plan will provide the following:

    • A logical and factual framework for understanding the issues that must be addressed by the CACC and for understanding how the decisions will be made.
    • Meaningful ways for people who want to be included and involved in the deliberations of the CACC.
    • Assure that major stakeholders, such as local governments, the aviation industry, airports, and regional planning agencies have timely information to assure meaningful input
    TO JOIN THIS VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING, CLICK HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89029684060?pwd=TDhGdmtsUEJWVDRMU3JRQ0RNYi9DQT09
  • July 01, 2022 5:00 PM | RG (Administrator)

    July 1, 2022: Applications for CARB Loans are due. Applications and Information can be found at https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/aviation/community-aviation-revitalization-board-carb-loan-program or contact David Chenaur at chenaud@wsdot.wa.gov and 360-628-1767.

  • March 17, 2021 3:07 PM | RG (Administrator)
    WAMA thanks the Port of Moses Lake, Century West Engineering, WSP, Dowl, Walla Walla Regional Airport, Applied Pavement Technologies, and Morrison-Maierle for sponsoring the biweekly Waypoints news bulletin.   

    For $100, your logo can grace the top of each Waypoints for six months or $200 for an entire year.  To sponsor Waypoints, go to https://wama.us/Sponsorship-Opportunities .  Send your logo to Director@wama.us.
© 2001 - 2022, Washington Airport Management Association | P.O. Box 5755 | Pasco, WA 99302 |
Washington Airport Management Association is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.
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