Join us for the next First Friday event at noon on December 1. Parker Bryant from ZeroAvia will be talking about the hydrogen airport/fuel infrastructure team in North America.
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Meeting ID: 960 1315 1799
Passcode: 716029
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• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 253 205 0468 US
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The Fly Washington Passport Program is sponsoring a food drive to support your local community. Airports and airport users are encouraged to contribute donations in a friendly contest. Winners are based on poundage taken in. Last year's winner was Bremerton National Airport, and in 2021, Auburn Airport was the big winner. All contributions stay in your local community. The contest begins on October 2nd and runs until November 17th. If you would like to participate, contact Marjy Leggett at by September 29, 2023.
A family-friendly day to explore the Tacoma Narrows Airport and get up close to the operations and activities of the airport. Free admission. Learn more at
When Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Opening ceremony at 10 a.m. Participating organizations and activities (subject to change):
The next First Friday presentation is this Friday, September 1, 2023, at noon. The speaker will be Warren Ferrell from the FAA, speaking first on the state of the ADO then taking questions from listeners.
Meeting ID: 921 3139 7225
Passcode: 764822
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Camping, historic aircraft rides, evening airshow & balloon glow, nighttime drone spectacular, food trucks, military displays, Family Fun activities and more!
The Community Aviation Revitalization Board (CARB) has been appropriated another $5 million for the 2023-2025 biennium and is accepting applications to award funding in September. The Board recently increased the maximum loan amount to $1,200,000 while still retaining a low 2% fixed interest rate. Loans can have a maximum 20-year loan period and recipients can opt to have up to a 3-year loan repayment grace period. Loan recipients must commit to provide public access to the airport for a period of time equivalent to one and one-half times the term of the loan. The primary purpose of the revolving loan program is to fund revenue-producing or cost-cutting capital projects that assist public-use, general aviation airports to become more self-sustainable. Eligible projects can include hangars, fueling facilities, business parks on airport property, paid parking facilities, passenger amenities, green energy enhancements, and other revenue-generating or cost-cutting developments. The initial deadline for applications is August 1, 2023. For an application or more information, contact Dave Chenaur, Aviation Loan Program Manager at or 360-628-1767 (cell). The loan application and other loan program information is also posted on WSDOT Aviation's website.
There seems to be a shortage of hangars available for the GA pilot. Almost all airports have a waiting list. The question was raised as to how many people have listed with multiple airports. Leah Whitfield and Justin Heid of APG have stepped forward to create a website helping to minimize the wait list problem. Hear what they have done so far and what you can do to help. Click here to read more about this project.
WAMA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting at noon on Friday, July 7, 2023.
Meeting ID: 950 4895 6254
Passcode: 159094
+12532050468,,95048956254#,,,,*159094# US
+12532158782,,95048956254#,,,,*159094# US (Tacoma)
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Air Show, General Aviation Fly In, Performers, Ground Displays, and more!
Details and tickets at: